
Estimate art collectibles

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How to make an estimate?

What can we estimate?

Original paintings, drawings, and prints by recognized artists
Posters, photographs and sculptures;

Your recently created artworks.

Instant sports cards estimation

Our database

Auction house prices


How do we collect data? Our database consists of information gathered from the three largest auction houses - Christie's, Sotheby's, and Phillips and two major marketplaces. The system processes information on more than 2.5 million works and 100,000 artists. We constantly expand our database.
What do we base our estimate on? Our specially designed machine learning model estimates the value of artworks based on millions of data from auctions where professional appraisers make the estimate. The model considers various characteristics of the art piece, such as materials, mediums, sizes, artist, etc.
What kind of estimates do we provide? Our estimates are similar to those made by appraisers in auctions and give you a general idea of the work's value. They may differ from the offering price and may not reflect the final hammer price. However, we are continuously improving the model to provide more precise appraisals that closely resemble those of humans.
Why are certain items not estimated? For some items, obtaining an accurate estimate may not be possible. This could be due to new authors entering the market, resulting in limited data on their works. Alternatively, well-known works' prices may unexpectedly change due to unpredictable events. If we lack confidence in the estimate or have insufficient data, we do not display it.